The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism is the department within the Spanish general administration responsible for proposing and carrying out government policy in the areas of industrial development and innovation, trade policy, small and medium sized enterprises, energy and mining, tourism, telecommunications, audiovisual media and the development of the Information Society. Additionally, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism is also responsible for submitting to the government the proposal for Spain's positioning on issues that fall within the scope of the department.

State Secretariat for Tourism

In matters of tourism, the relevant functions and actions are handled by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism acting through the offices of the State Secretariat for Tourism, whose remit extends to the taking of whatever actions are required for the definition, development and implementation of tourist policy, along with any related promotional activities that fall within the sphere of the Central Government Administration.

The Secretariat for Tourism is charged with:

Spanish Tourism Institute

The Spanish Tourism Office (TURESPAÑA) is the Administrative unit of the Central Government in charge of promoting Spain abroad as a tourism destination. In order to do so, TURESPAÑA carries out activities in the following areas:

In order to effectively achieve its goals, in promotion and marketing TURESPAÑA carries out its activities abroad through a network of 33 Tourist Offices of Spain, which are part of Spain's Embassies and Consulates.

Paradores de Turismo de España

This entity is a state company, coming under the control of the Spanish Tourism Institute, whose principal function is the management and running of State owned properties, mostly historic buildings that have been purpose-adapted for hotel use. It constitutes an enormously successful experience of recovery of Spain's historical heritage. Nowadays there is a network of 93 “Paradores” functioning.

Institute for Tourism Studies

The Instituto de Estudios Turísticos (IET) (Institute for Tourism Studies) under the presidency of TURESPAÑA is in charge of statistical operations tourism at borders (Frontur), Tourism Expenditure Survey (Egatur) and tourism of the Spanish (Familitur), generating data on arrivals of foreign visitors to Spain and peculiarities, and travel expenses engaged by the Spaniards and their characteristics. The IET is also in charge of the Tourist occupancy survey (Ocupatur), the Touristic habits survey (Habitur) as well as the Tourist competitive tendency index.

Territorial Organization

According to the Spanish Constitution (art. 148.1.18), Autonomous Regions enjoy competence in the promotion and regulation of tourism within the confines of their respective territories. Yet, it does not preclude intervention on the part of the State, which develops and undertakes international relationship; promotion and marketing of tourism abroad, design and development of tourist policy and overall co-ordination of regulation of tourist activity, in addition to its role in planning the national economy, in which, in the context of Spain, tourism is a basic key ingredient.

The Autonomous Regions have the competence for tourism promotion and organisation, urbanism, public works and infrastructures and historic heritage management in their own territories under the observance of the Constitution with regard to the rules conferring their powers.

The Local Entities (Provinces and Municipalities) enjoy their competence according to the Constitution rules for the distribution of powers taking into account their autonomy for managing their own interests. Their powers develop mainly in tourism promotion and information. Thus one important body is the Patronato de Turismo” (mostly in the main cities) and the “Congress Offices” depending on the “Patronato” to carry out an integral management of the city tourism promotion and supporting the private sector on their commercial strategy to gain the venue for Congress and Fairs.


The distribution of powers creates a network of inter-administrative relations and various instruments of cooperation, whose functions are to bring coherence to the actions of public authorities in tourism matters. Cooperation is the key, since there are common interests that have to be appropriately matched and combined in order to ensure maximum possible operational effectiveness.

There are three examples of co-operation among administrations: